Friday 20 September 2013

Fabulous Friday

Happy Fabulous Friday all! I really can’t complain about this week as I’ve only had a 4 day week, but man, I’ve had to cram a lot into those 4 days. So, the thing that’s fabulous today, is finding 5 spare minutes to actually post!

In the past 5 or 6 weeks, my life has become consumed by work. I am literally living and breathing it 24 hours a day. It’s even started to creep into my dreams. I cannot escape it.
It’s got worse this week as I’m acting in my manager’s role while she’s on leave for 3 weeks. The workload has significantly increased but my pay has only gone up by $77 per week for being in the role. It is no where near enough to make the extra hours worthwhile. On the bright side though, it’s reinforced my belief that I don’t want to climb the corporate ladder any higher.

This week I’ve been doing 9 to 10 hour days. I know there isn’t going to be too much sympathy for me doing a 9 hour day as that’s the norm for so many people. But, I can assure you it is a totally different experience when you’ve had broken sleep due to leg cramps, constant pain in your back and you’re 21 weeks pregnant. Those 9 hours take their toll because it’s not just 9 hours – I leave home at 7:15am and get home at 7pm so in actual fact my day is 12 hours long.

I don’t really feel stressed by it, but I do worry about the impact the effort, exhaustion and adrenalin may have on Sticky. I hate the thought that she’s sucking up any of my stress or that my tiredness means my body isn’t supporting her to the best of its ability. Her and Peanut tell me constantly that she’s doing fine and loving life in there, but I still worry.

On the bright side, it’s only for 3 weeks and at the end of that, I’ll only have 6 weeks left of work. I’m hoping when my manager comes back from leave I can go back to working 4 days a week so I can at least last to the end of 30 weeks. I had to laugh to myself in a meeting this morning as my Director told someone she’s hoping I last until another girl comes back from maternity leave. She’s meant to be back sometime in December so she might be lucky but there also might be a few weeks where neither of us are here. Funnily enough, I don’t really care about that. All I care about is taking care of myself and Sticky.

But, all of that aside, I have a busy weekend ahead. We are finally starting car shopping on Saturday which I’m sort of looking forward to but not really. I know it’s going to be a drawn out process and take a lot of time and effort to find something. But, it will be exciting to know we are buying the car that will carry our daughter around. On Sunday, I’m having lunch with a group of friends to celebrate reaching the half way mark. I haven’t seen some of them for quite a while so I’m looking forward to catching up with them. A few of them haven’t seen me since I started to show so it will be interesting to see if they notice!

So, here we are, nearing the end of my 21st week with 22 weeks fast approaching. Next week will bring another obstetrician visit and confirmation of my finish work date so I can’t wait for that. After fighting it all this time, this week has certainly demonstrated to me the value of heeding the doctor’s opinion. And convincing me that the end of work can’t come fast enough!

Have a great weekend all!

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